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Armenia 1TV Live Stream

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Name 1TV (Armenia)
Category General News
Country Armenia

armenia 1 logo1TV or ARMTV is the Armenian national broadcaster.  On september 5, 1955, the Council of people's commissars of the Soviet Union ordered the creation of 27 television stations in the various Soviet Socialist Republics. On november 29, 1956, the first programs were broadcast on Armenian television.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the broadcaster was able to focus on its own culture. In 2000, a law was passed that since 2005 all programs on television are broadcast in Armenian, without the use of subtitles.

Unlike many other former Soviet republics, the Armenian broadcaster was not yet a member of the EBU. This changed on 8 July 2006: at a meeting of the EBU in Dubrovnik it was decided that the Armenian broadcaster could be a full member. This allowed the broadcaster to participate in events organised by the EBU, such as the Eurovision Song Contest. In 2011, ARMTV was a guest broadcaster for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, held in Yerevan.


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